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Amy Roberts
Sleep Consultant
The Norfolk 'n' Sleep Blog
Combining my passion for writing and all things sleep related to normalise infant sleep one blog post at a time.
Aug 6, 20222 min read
I often get asked whether a dreamfeed is a good idea. The main thing to say is they work amazingly well for some families and not so much...
Jul 6, 20222 min read
Child sleep in the second half of the night
I know for some people the whole night can feel like a bit of a sh*t show! But for others, the first half of the night can often feel...
Jun 6, 20223 min read
Car journeys with kids and sleep
It’s totally fine for your baby to sleep in the car seat on a long journey (it's often pretty impossible to stop them!), but it’s...
May 6, 20222 min read
Are baby sleep pods and nests safe?
Sleep pods, nests, whatever you want to call them. There seems to be lots of different brands out there these days, I even saw Aldi had...
Apr 6, 20222 min read
Illness and sleep in babies and children
Your little one will inevitably get poorly at some point, but it can have an impact on their sleep (we as adults know being ill can...
Mar 6, 20222 min read
Dropping from 2-1 nap
This can be notoriously difficult, so if you have been struggling, don’t worry, it can be a tricky one! You’ll usually find your little...
Feb 6, 20222 min read
Naps and nursery
I remember being super apprehensive about naps when my eldest first went to nursery. What if they don’t put him down for a nap at his...
Jan 6, 20227 min read
How to improve your family's sleep hygiene
Having good sleep hygiene - the habits you take both during the day and before bed - are a really important part of the family sleep...
Dec 6, 20212 min read
Settling two children to sleep
Settling more than one little one to sleep at bedtime can be tricky, especially if you’re new to the multiple kids at bedtime game. But...
Nov 6, 20212 min read
Wake windows for babies and why I don't like them
Wake windows are a bit like marmite. The traditional sleep training world which tries to get you to shoehorn your baby into a generic...
Oct 6, 20212 min read
Nightmares and night terrors in children
Nightmares and night terrors can be worrying for parents I know, but they are almost never associated with any psychological distress or...
Sep 6, 20211 min read
Swaddling babies - the basics
I’m pretty pragmatic about swaddling. I never even considered it with my first baby, but it definitely served a purpose for a short while...
Jun 2, 20214 min read
Floor beds - the what, where, why and how
Now, I have never actually used a floor bed with my own children, so I can’t blog on this from personal experience. However, I have...
Apr 22, 20214 min read
Is there really such a thing as a baby self-soothing?
I felt like the subject of self-soothing was too long to do justice in just one Instagram post, so I have cobbled this blog together to...
Mar 5, 20217 min read
Potty training - the basics
So much happens in the first couple of years of your little one's life, but potty/toilet training can certainly be one of the more...
Feb 18, 20215 min read
The truth about teething
Teething seems to be a catchall for pretty much any general grumpiness or illness a baby goes through in the first year. But is it right...
Feb 4, 202111 min read
From womb to world - the fourth trimester
I’m not sure about anyone else, but I sure did seem to get taught a lot of information to prepare me for the birth of my first baby, but...
Jan 21, 20218 min read
All you need to know about weaning
A lot of parents reach out for help with their little ones sleep at around 6 - 8 months - just at the time when they’ve added weaning...
Jan 8, 20217 min read
My 10 steps to help fussy little eaters
It’s undeniable there are a number of ways in which food is directly, or indirectly linked with sleep and the possibilities of what I...
Jan 1, 20216 min read
10 ways to improve your sleep
Why am I devoting a whole blog on how to improve your sleep as an adult when I’m an infant sleep consultant? Well, in my experience, how...
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